Wilson rackets

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      Looking to buy a Wilson Padel Racket for 2024? Wilson Padel Rackets 2024

      Partnering with Wilson is always a pleasure for our store and online shop. Why? Because, compared to other brands, Wilson makes it easy to understand the differences among all their padel rackets, and they have everything well organized! Here's a brief explanation for you about the new different lines of Wilson padel rackets for 2024!

      The Blade line of Wilson padel rackets features tear-drop shaped rackets!

      The Pro Staff line of Wilson padel rackets features round-shaped rackets!

      The Ultra line of Wilson padel rackets features diamond-shaped rackets!

      Want to know more about the different lines? Check out our product pages to see what Wilson says about the new padel racket lines for 2024.

      Wilson Padel

      Wilson is one of the biggest racket sports brands in the world. They promise to do what matters, not just what's easy. While Wilson padel rackets are currently less popular than the brand's other products, Wilson has been a household name since 1913, primarily known for tennis and basketball. Originally starting with the manufacturing of strings, Wilson eventually expanded to a wide range of products that are well-known today. Initially, Wilson did not see the need to produce padel rackets, but that has changed over time. Wilson has developed a beautiful line of padel rackets and has also partnered with several big names to elevate the collection for all padel players.

      Wilson x Bela

      You might already know, Fernando Belasteguin has partnered with Wilson. Belasteguin is currently one of the world's top padel players. After playing with other brands for a while, he has chosen to play with Wilson padel rackets. The partnership includes Fernando's own clothing line, which is also great for playing padel! He also has his line of rackets, the Bela rackets from Wilson, created with him to guarantee quality. Besides Wilson and Bela padel rackets, there are also special shoes available for purchase. If you're a big fan of Fernando and Wilson, you can step onto the field fully equipped in Wilson x Belasteguin gear and defeat your opponents.

      Wilson Padel Racket Testing

      Are you very interested in purchasing a Wilson padel racket? Looking for more tailored advice? Or would you like to feel how certain rackets are? All of this is possible at Balwinpadel.

      Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities; you can indicate in advance which rackets you would like to test!

      Which Wilson Racket Should You Buy?

      Like many other brands, Wilson has chosen to create a wide arsenal of Wilson padel rackets. They've developed a specific line for every player. As mentioned above, the brand has made round, tear-drop, and diamond-shaped rackets to cater to everyone's needs. Wilson is very popular among tennis players because they are already familiar with the brand from that sport. This makes Wilson very popular among padel players as many tennis players switch to padel. Often, people find they can improve more in padel and make little to no progress in tennis, making padel more enjoyable for them and leading to a complete switch. This is why our store and others sell a lot of Wilson padel rackets. This popularity from tennis definitely has a good reason: they are great rackets with a fantastic design!

      Wilson Brand Story

      Wilson Sporting Goods, originally known as Ashland Manufacturing Company, was founded in Chicago in 1913 as a subsidiary of the meatpacking firm Swarzchild & Sulzberger. The company then shifted to trading in sporting goods by producing gut strings for tennis rackets as a way to utilize animal by-products. The company underwent a financial turnaround in 1914 and reorganized, a move that was designed to capitalize on the popularity of American President Thomas Woodrow Wilson! And continued as Wilson Sporting Goods Company under businessman Thomas E. Wilson. The company flourished and expanded its inventory with baseball equipment, camping gear, golf clubs, tennis rackets, and recently padel rackets.

      By the end of World War I, the company had established a sales office in San Francisco and built new factories as sports became big business in the 1920s. By the early 1940s, Wilson incorporated sportswear into its product line and purchased O'Shea Knitting Mills in 1942. The company established apparel subsidiaries in Tullahoma, Tennessee, and Ironton, Ohio. When those factories proved too small to meet demand, Wilson opened a new factory in Cookeville, Tennessee, to produce professional sports team uniforms.

      Located across from the Tennessee Central Railroad, the Cookeville factories made uniforms for professional teams in every major professional sport except boxing from 1946 to 1989. Every uniform worn by professional athletes in baseball, tennis, football, basketball, golf,